Friday, September 3, 2010

And who said the first two years of college were full of useless preliminary classes??

Judging by the title of this blog, I'm pretty sure it would be completely redundant to spend this first entry writing about what it is i'll be using it for. I got this idea from my English 211 teacher, who requires us to keep a blog for her class. She didn't actually give me the specific idea to watch movies from a list that was compiled by The Yahoo Movies Editorial Staff (YMES, since I’ll probably be referring to it a lot), but the blog idea definitely inspired me. While she was detailing the specifics of our blog assignments, I was thinking about what I'd write about if I had my own blog, and I must say I can't help but feel a little Julie/Julia-y about the whole concept of watching something, and then blogging about it. I mean sure, there are the obvious differences, but I'd be lying to myself if I said that I could have come up with this idea before I saw the movie (which, in my humble opinion, wasn't too bad). At any rate, it seemed like a semi-entertaining thing to do with my spare time (which I'm just overflowing with, what with my 18 college credits, and my assloads of homework).
     I feel as if it should go without saying, but just in case it doesn't let me just throw this out there: I am not claiming to be a movie critic of any sort. My opinion should have no worldly value to you, so if you are one of the 100 people that may or may not accidentally stumble across this blog, please don't be upset if I write something unsavory about a movie you like. I am but a sophomore college student who, like most college students, is spiraling deeper and deeper in to debt every year, and hardly ever has anything important to write about.

In case you wanted to gaze upon the list from which I will be watching these movies, here's the link

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